신실하게 진실하게 With All My Heart and Soul 영어 한글 가사

 신실하게 진실하게 With All My Heart and Soul

신실하게 진실하게

With all my heart, with all my soul

거룩하게 살게하소서

Lord, let me be holy and true

신실하게 진실하게

With all my heart, with all my soul

거룩하게 살게하소서

Lord, let me be holy and true

하나님 나의 마음 만져주소서

Lord, my God, I need Your healing touch now

하나님 나의 영혼 새롭게 하소서

Lord, my God, I need You to create my heart anew

신실하게 진실하게

With all my heart, with all my soul

거룩하게 살게하소서

Lord, let me be holy and true

신실하게 진실하게

With all my heart, with all my soul

거룩하게 살게하소서

Lord, let me be holy and true

하나님 나의 기도 들어주소서

Lord, my God, I need You to hear my humbly cry

하나님 주의 길로 인도 하소서

Lord, my God, lead me and draw me to Your way.


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