비전, 우리 보좌 앞에 모였네 At the throne of our God we gather


비전, 우리 보좌 앞에 모였네

At the throne of our God we gather
And join to praise His holy name
Because of His great love,
God gave His only son
Jesus Christ has redeemed us from our sins

On the cross, God poured out His love so freely
A stream that flows forevermore 
to every tribe and tongue
All nations join the song
Endless praise to salvation’s one true Lord

To the Lord of all, who’s seated on the throne
And to the Lamb of God 
This saving grace belongs
To the Lord of all, who’s seated on the throne
And to the Lamb of God 
We cry aloud forevermore




영원영원히주님께우리 보좌 앞에 모였네

우리 보좌앞에 모였네 함께 주를 찬양하며
하나님의 사랑 그 아들 주셨네 그의 피로 우린 구원받았네
We have gathered at your throne,
praising You together.
He has given his love, his only Son.
With his blood,
we are saved.

십자가에서 쏟으신 그 사랑 강같이 온땅에 흘러
각 나라와 족속 백성 방언에서 구원받고 주 경배드리네
The love that was poured upon the cross
have flown like a river across the earth;
Every nation, every tribe, and every language
have been redeemed and worship the Lord.

구원하심이 보좌에 앉으신 우리 하나님과 어린양께 있도다
구원하심이 보좌에 앉으신 우리 하나님과 어린양께 있도다.
Salvation is upon God and the Lamb
Who are high on the throne.
Salvation is upon God and the Lamb
Who are high on the throne.

출처: https://peterjoy.tistory.com/139 [하나님나라를 꿈꾸며(Kingdom of God)]


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